Save the Seven Pools Donors

Mike Addy, in memory of Jean Clark
Kasmira Allen
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Stevens Anderly
Beverly Anderson
Britt Anderson
Kathryn and Glen Anderson
Susan E. Anderson
Angela Andres
Catherine Anson, in memory of Jean Clark
David and Nancy Anson, in memory of Jean Clark
Michael Anson, in memory of Jean Clark
Sally Anson
Sara and Randall Barry
Daniel Bartel and Christine Rowe-Bartel
Quinn Bauman
Marybeth Bauries and Gwen Goldsmith
Bill and Claudia Bearman
Jamie Becker and Wayne Beauchemin
Mosi and Vicki Bennett
Tommy Benson
Best Buy Employee Giving Program
Alison Bird
Karin Birkeland and Lee Mitau
Blanks Family Fund
Ruth Bly
Tony and Kathleen Bottini
Peter and Susan Brasket
Jennifer Wirick Breitinger
Alan Brew
Jeffery Brown and Katherine Sills
Margaret Wilcox Browning, in memory of Jean Clark
The Bruncati Family
Carol Bungert
Daniel and Christine Buss
Shirley Cardozo and Patrick Pautz
Karen and Richard Carney
Virginia Christensen
CIDNA Neighborhood Association
Anne Clark
Anne Clark, in memory of Jean Clark
Jean Clark
Robert Clark, in memory of Jean Clark
Barbara Clark and Peter Border
Brennan Cleveland
Wendy and David Coggins
Geoffrey Colber
Cinda Collins
Colonial Properties of MN, LLP
Mary Sue Comfort
Kobi Conaway and Andrew Owen
Russell Cowles
John and Theresa Crane
Jason and Anne Cross
Tracey Crue
Toni D’Eramo
Michael and Yasmin Daly
Fran Davis and Barb Davis
Jean Deatrick and Eldon Feist
Jennifer Debrow
Lynne Dekker
Laurel Dercks
Turo Dexter
Pamela Diamond and Michael Brenner
Johan Dirks
Jean Bass and Todd Dokken
Doug and Kate Donaldson
Jock and Sara Donaldson
William Donovan
Kevin and Beth Dooley
Krishna and Carolyn Dorney
Kelly Dorsey
Andrew Duff
East Isles Residents Association
Yvonne Eckstein, in memory of Joan Churchill, Maggie and Sammy D.
B. Kevin Edgar
Randall Egan
Jim Elert
Samantha Ellingson
Sidney Emery

Karen and Eugene Engebretson
Rolf and Nancy Engh
Joan Ericksen
Harvey and Sheri Ettinger
Nancy Eustis, in memory of Jean Clark
Sarah Evert
Jack and Cathy Farrell
Gwendolyn Fassett
Susan Fink
First Unitarian Society
Kim Ford
Linda Foreman and Mel Dickstein
Penelope Franchot
Robert Frey
Friends for Lisa Goodman
Friends of Thomas Lowry Park
Karl Gajdusek and Larissa Kokernot
Nick and Ingrid Gangestad in memory of Jean Clark
Hilde Gasiorowicz
Steve and Kathy Gaskins
Cathy Powell and John Getsinger
Rose Stanley-Gilbert
Barry Gisser
Audrey Glassman
Beverly Golberg and Michael Braman
Richard Goldman
Susie and Hal Goldstein
Gail Goulett-Meyer and Neil Meyer
Anita and Fletcher Green
Gremar Properties
Katharine and Joel Grothe
John Grove
Stephen Gudeman
Bill Gullickson
Sandra and Neal Gunderson
Rochelle Gunn and James Mayer, in honor of Sue Maxwell
Dwight Haberman
Marcia Haffmans
Wendy Hall
Kealy Ham
Carol and Ned Hancock, in honor of Peaches
Robert Hand
Cynthia Hanson
Kent and Barbara Hanson
Martha Hardesty and Nasser Pooladian
Rena Harold and Linda Loewenstein
Leah and Jason Harp
Christine Hartman
David Hartwell and Elizabeth DeBaut
Nevin and Marialice Harwood
Crystal Hatcher
Bill and Shira Hauschen
Elizabeth and Van Hawn
Amanda Hawn and Nathan Larsen
Christine and Barry Hay
Head Family Foundation
Zoe Hernandez
Cynthia Hill
Donna-Marie and Philip Hill
Bob Hinck
Mary Hirshfield, in memory of Jean Clark
Thomas Hoch
Will and Ellen Hoeg
Rochelle Hoffman
Mindy Isaacs
Bradley Johnson
Lisa Johnston
Catherine Jordan
Michael and Cynthia Jorgenson in memory of Jean Clark
Martin Kahn
Patricia Kasimor
Dave and Kathy Kasper
Robert Kaufman
Lynda Kauls
Jeremiah and Jessica Keehn
Sarah Kelen
Kelen Family Foundation
Kenwood Neighborhood Organization
Susan Kinder and David Vealitzek
John and Christine Kitchener
Michael Klingensmith and Ruth Shields
Donell Koch
Edward Kodet
Emil and Mary Ann Kolb
Stephen and Christine Kosowski
Kathryn and Dean Koutsky
Roger M. Krause
Emil Kresl

Martha Krikava and Michael Charles
Ryan and Laura Kruizenga
Michael Kukielka
Andrea Lahouze
Susan Lauer
Barry and Mary Lazarus
Lenfestey Family Foundation
Bill and Carol Lennington
Richard and Margaret Lett
Michael and Carla Levin
Cass and Ruth Lewart
Jody Lichtor
Dorothy Lilja
Searcy and John Lillehei
Karen Linder
Hallie Livingston
Sheila Livingston
Patrick Porter-Lober
Greer and Mary Lockhart
Justin Long
Katherine Low
Cotty Lowry
Nancy Lowry
Philip and Madeleine Lowry
Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association
Ellen Goldberg Luger & Andrew Luger
Judy Lund
John and Mary Ann Lundquist
Randi Lyders
Molly Maass
Marcia A. Mans
Susan Maxwell
James McCarthy and Gloria Peterson
Carolyn McCormick and Scott Robertson
Samuel and Patricia McCullough
the Bay Lake McDermotts
Tom and Chris McEnery
Sandra McGoldrick-Kendall
Mary and Bill Mease
Brandon Meshbesher
Jeanne and Paul Milbrath
Kelly Milkus
Mike Miller
Douglas Moore
Sheila Morgan
Franchelle and James Mullin
Anne and John Munholland
Linda Luksan and David Munn
Mike Nagel
Theodore and Judy Nagel
Rebekah Nagler and Adam Jeffers
Margot Nesbitt
Jim and Jean Newman
Arde Nicoloff
Jeremy Nichols and Evelyn Turner
Katherine Nielsen
Jeffery Nipper and Therese Drake
Caitlin Nugent
James and Judith O’Donnell
Caroline Olstad
Paula and Richard Owen
Nina Page
Stephanie Palen
Kelly Palmer
Max Palmer
Sue and Bill Payne
Suzanne and William Payne
David and Grace Pederson
Paul Pender
Larkin McPhee Perese and Deniz Perese
Marna Peterson
Nancy and Ronald Peterson
Paisley Pettine
Amy and Anand Philip
Audie Picho
Alfred and Virginia Pieper, in memory of Jean Clark
Virginia and Harry Piper
Ed and Peggy Pluimer
Jane Powers
Barbara Pratt
Peter Price and Julie Whitney
Catherine and George Puzak

Chad and Lucy Quaintance
Charlotte Quaintance
Amy Rand
Nancy Rand Family
Thomas Regnier, Jr.
Patricia and Daniel Reinke, in memory of Jean Clark
John Rettger
Paul and Mary Reyelts
William Reyelts
Ken and Deborah Rich
Jon and Jill Riley
Binky and Win Rockwell
Bette Sack
Julie and Mohsen Sadeghi
Christine Sagstetter
Chas and Jeanne Scheiderer
Eric and Nancy Schned
Molly Schned
Holly Schoonover
Robert William Schwier
Sebastian Joe’s
Miriam Segall
Mary Seitz
Collin Semb
Byron and Sally Shaffer
Stephen and Elizabeth Shaffer
Mariana Shulstad
Jetta Siegel
Michael Skjei and Haidee Johnstone
Ella Slade
Gerard Smyth
Kathleen Spraitz
Daria Stec
Markian and Amy Stec
Myroslaw and Maria Stec
Ivan Stegic
Jim and Jan Stephenson
Laurel Stephenson
Evan Stern
Mary Kay and Gary Stern
Sally and Keith Stinson
Pat Strandness and Bruce Shnider
Patty Strandquist
Lee Switzenberg and Todd Oberg
Tai Chi group at Thomas Lowry Park
Carol Thomas
Michelle Thomson
Mark Tierney
Jane Tilka and Bill Dolan
Tom and Susan Trondson
Noelle and Jeff Turner
Jim and Kris Ulland
Marcia Urban
Charles and Debra Van DeWeghe
Erin and Johan van Lierop
Mary Vaughan, in memory of Jean Clark
Brent Velenchenko
Joan Von Ohlen
Leslie Vonwangenheim, in memory of Jean Clark
Arvilla Jane Warlof
Megan Waterman
James Weiss
Allison Westerberg
James Westerman
Gilbert Westreich
Wendy Wethington
Elizabeth Whitbeck and James Nelson
Joseph and Desiree Whitney
Craig Wilson
Cam and Emily Pryor Winton
Diane Wright
Joe Wurl
Margaret Wurtele
Lin Wyrick
Mingyu Xia
Brian Zakem