Seven Pools Century Club $10,000+

Individual, family, or business gifts of $10,000+ will have their names included on a memorial plaque at the headwaters of the reconstructed Seven Pools to last for the next 100 years!

Current members include: Friends of Thomas Lowry Park, Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association, Shirley Cardozo and Patrick Pautz, Kobi Conaway and Andrew Owen, Kathy and Steve Gaskins, In honor of Cinda Collins and in memory of Helene Johnson Haugland, Ann Hutchins in memory of Traver Hutchins, Dave and Kathy Kasper in memory of Rita Kasper, Kelen Family Foundation, the Kenwood Community Residents, the Bay Lake McDermotts, Suzanne and William Payne, Pederson-Shaffer family, Virginia and Harry Piper, Gracie Reyelts, Ken and Deborah Rich, Chas and Jeanne Scheiderer, Stephen and Elizabeth Shaffer,
The Tierneys: O’Neill, Fifi and Harry, Joseph and Desiree Whitney, Craig Wilson and Trevor Porath, Margaret Wurtele